Pink Sapphires - The Fanciest of Gemstones

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Pink Sapphires - The Fanciest of Gemstones

For a long time, the general public was not really aware that pink sapphires really existed. This is because the pink sapphire was considered so special by jewelers that pink sapphire jewelry was only really traded by insiders. As far as the general public knew, a sapphire did not really come in any other color but blue.

The truth is that the sapphire comes in many colors including yellow, green, pink, purple orange and of course blue. A sapphire that is any other color but blue is called a Fancy Sapphire. Some of these sapphires also have their own names. For instance, the orange sapphire, which hails from India, is called Padparadsha. Red sapphires are classified as rubies.

Pink sapphires are also sometimes called the girly sapphires. They become very popular after Paris Hilton was spotted wearing an enormous pink sapphire ring and pendant framed by two yellow canary diamonds. This led to a flurry of interest in pink sapphires, especially on the Home Shopping Network which had companies specializing in both natural and lab created pink sapphire jewellery. Currently the trend seems to be towards the large brass knuckle type ring that is paved with scores of tiny pink sapphire stones.

There is something very cheery, youthful and optimistic about pink sapphire jewelry. It is a feminine stone but it is also one of the strongest and hardest stones in the world registering at a MOH scale hardness of 9. In this sense you could say it is a symbol of "the velvet glove" - feminine strength.

It is the ideal precious stone to give to a younger woman perhaps as a present for a birthday or for graduating from college. Pink sapphire jewelry is hip these days because the off color sapphires (ones that are not the usual dark blue) epitomize the eclectic taste. They are also the ideal gift for any individual that collects rare, but precious gemstones especially if you can find a pink sapphire ring or pendant that boasts a particularly odd or bright shade of pink.

The pink sapphire is just as valuable and sometimes even more expensive than a high quality blue one. It is a durable stone that lasts for years. Like all sapphires it belongs to the corundum group of minerals, which are second only to diamonds in terms of their hardness. As they don't scratch or chip easily, pink sapphires are also the ideal stone for the busy working woman as it is highly unlikely she will damage the stone. The pronged settings of a pink sapphire ring are more likely to wear out than the gemstone itself.

Its beauty, magnificent colors, its transparency but also its resistance and permanence are characteristics which gemstone lovers and experts assign to this gemstone - however, this does not only apply to blue Sapphire as will be pointed out later on. Sapphire belongs to the corundum group, which is set apart from other gemstones by their very good hardness (Grade 9 on the Mohs' scale). They are second in hardness to diamonds only, and diamonds represent the hardest mineral on Earth! Because of their good harness, sapphires are easy to care for as gemstones and demand from their wearers only the usual and normal care.

The corundum group consists of pure aluminum oxide and other elements that make the stones different colors. The more chrome a gemstone in this family contains the redder it will be. Rubies, also known as red sapphires have a great deal of chrome and that is what gives them their blood red color. Pink sapphires have less chrome, but just enough to give them their gorgeous blush. Iron is the element that gives common sapphires that true blue color.

Sapphires and especially pink sapphires can be considered to be a "cut above" other gemstones. This is because they are mined from very deep within in the earth. Cutters of sapphires must be the best as it is a stone that can contain several hues in one rock. In order the stone to really sparkle and for the depth of its color to be brilliant and consistent, a real expert must handle it. Otherwise the stone will be dull.

Like rubies and sapphires, pink sapphires can be heat treated in order to get rid of a dark core or an uneven color. The least expensive pink sapphire ring and pendants tend to be set with these heat-treated gemstones.

The fact that natural pink sapphires do vary so much in color from stone to stone makes them truly individual. The pink sapphire can range in hue from an almost purplish pink, to rosy pink to pink with a yellowish cast to baby pink. Even if you don't like pink that much, there is a pink sapphire gemstone out there in a hue to suit you.

Sapphires can be a bit odd in the way that they reflect light. Before you buy a pink sapphire ring, see if it sparkles as much in daylight as it does in artificial light. A peculiar feature of this family of gemstones is that some only really glitter in sunlight and others only glitter in artificial light. Look for a gemstone that is satiated in pink and even in color it will be most likely to reflect both types of light.

The oldest Sapphire mines are situated in Sri Lanka, which used to be known as Ceylon. These mines are being rapidly depleted so the next best three natural sources of pink sapphires are from Burma, India Thailand, Australia and Brazil.

Like all precious gemstones, the value of a pink sapphire depends on size, color and transparency. It also depends where the pink sapphire is from. Those mined in Kashmir are considered to be the most precious followed by ones from Burma and Sri Lanka. Heat treated gemstones are much less expensive as they are not as "natural." The absolutely cheapest pink sapphire jewelry usually contains lab created pink sapphires, which are absolutely perfect. These are the types of stones you are most likely to find in discount pink sapphire jewelry.

Learn more about pink sapphires at

The North Waziristan Connection

The North Waziristan Connection

Our key ally in the war on terror, Pervez The Prez, decided to make a surprise visit to Pakistans remote tribal region, named, in a wizardly way, North Waziristan.

The US informed him al-Qaeda and the Taliban had established a stronghold there, and his intention all sublime was to meet with three important tribal chieftains to elicit their pledge of help in the war on terror. In return, he would offer his pledge not to intervene militarily in their beloved mountainous region.

He was plunked down by a helicopter and led to a well-appointed cave in the wall, where the tribal chiefs awaited him with all the mock sincerity they could muster under their infrequently shampooed beards.

Welcome to North Waziristan, President Mush, one of the triumvirate of turbaned and bearded galoots said.

Thank you, Mush replied.

You can call me Pervez.

Good, a tribal chieftain responded, Call me Omar.

Im Ayman, confessed another.

And Im Orville, stated the third.

Orville? President Mush questioned with some suspicion. Funny, that doesnt sound Pakistani?

Its a nickname, Orville replied.

Oh, Mush commented. May I ask, whats your real name?

Oh, its been so long since I used it I cant remember, came the provocative answer.

Really? Pervez reacted, and interrogated ever deeper. Got a last name?


Logan? the Prez replied, and pried, Is that short for something?

No, the tribal chieftain affirmed. Its just another nickname.

Your first and last names are both nicknames? Mush demanded.

Yes, been that way since way back when. In fact, now I cant remember my real last name, either. Then, motioning to the Oriental rug on the dirt, he said, Have a seat.

Thanks, Orville, Mush replied, and sat down.

Then Omar, Ayman, and Orville seated themselves, too.

As you know, Pervez refreshed their memories, I have come to ask for your help with the war on terror.

Were all for that, Omar replied.

Sure thing, Ayman confirmed.

Yep, Orville added.

Good, Pervez replied.

But what do we get in return? Orville wanted to know.

What would you like? Pervez asked. Name it, and its yours.

To be left alone in our beloved land of North Waziristan, Orville told him.

This land is our land, Omar almost sang.

We want it all to ourselves, Ayman confirmed.

No problem, Pervez told them. Its not too safe for us to come to your beloved remote region anyway. I simply need to know that none of you will offer shelter to members of Al-Qaeda or the Taliban.

You have my word, said Ayman.

You bet, chimed Omar.

Yep, added Orville once again.

And, as soon as you know where even one of these terrorists is, President Mush continued, promise me youll arrest him and turn him over to the government. Do I have your promise on that? And no crossed fingers, please.

All of them raised their hands, and said in unison, You have our word, all three, Allah, be praised.

By the way, Pervez said, leaning forward in a confidential way, you dont happen to know where any of these terrorists are right now, do you?

Not a clue, Omar replied.

No idea at all, Ayman joined in.

Nope, Orville affirmed.

Hmm, Pervez hummed, considering their response circumspectly. Then promise me this. If you do learn about the whereabouts of any of them, I want you to fight them and kill them or, should the occasion arise, arrest them.

We will do it! Omar replied.

Allah, be praised, we will fight and kill them for you, Ayman asserted. In fact, I may even make a video for you, encouraging my people to be on the lookout for any and all terrorists, especially the misguided criminal leaders of Al-Qaeda.

I think you should make one, Orville told him. After all, youre the one with access to a video camera. He turned to Mush. All I have is an audio setup.

Done! Ayman agreed.

Excellent! Mush exclaimed. Then we have an agreement and a video, too?

Orville tilted his turban toward him, and said sternly, First, lets connect the dots. If we agree to hunt these terrorists down, we need your pledge that you will keep America out of North Waziristan, too.

No CIA operatives, Ayman added.

Or bombs, Omar stressed. Especially the bunker busters.

No need to worry, Pervez assured them. President Bush knows Im his leading ally in the war on terror. You promise to go after Al-Qaeda and the Taliban, and America will never dare even enter North Waziristan, let alone bomb it.

Then we do have an agreement, Orville told him, and put out his hand.

Great, Pervez replied, and shook it.

Deal, Omar and Ayman added, putting out their hands.

Wonderful, just wonderful, Pervez agreed, continuing to shake.

After various expressions of mutual solidarity, Pervez The Prez took his leave, ready to assure President Bush that he had made an agreement with the tribal leaders of the remote region that would prevent it from ever being a refuge for Al-Qaeda and the Taliban.

And from then on, every time the question came up in Washington about the two terrorist organizations having a safe haven in North Waziristan, the official word was that America couldnt possibly enter the remote mountainous region. Our leaders knew President Mush already had his hands full with Muslim fundamentalism, and we couldnt possibly risk shaking his already tenuous hold on power.

Imagine the consequences if he was forced out and radical Islamists took control. Whatever use might be made of Pakistans nukes?

We could only hope that, despite the unsettling surge in suicide bombings in Pakistan and the recent showdown at the Red Mosque between the government and fundamentalist Muslim clerics and students, Al-Qaeda and the Taliban hadnt even thought about such a possibility.

Meanwhile, we could all be confident that the tribal leaders in North Waziristan continued to be on the look out for any sign whatsoever of Al-Qaeda and the Taliban.

Tom Attea, humorist and creator of has had six shows produced Off-Broadway. Critics have called his writing "delightfully funny," "witty," with "good, genuine laughs" and "great humor and ebullience."

How To Snack Without Cheating On Your Diet

How To Snack Without Cheating On Your Diet

Dieting generally isn't something most people enjoy. It requires strict discipline, which is a monumental challenge when a stomach starts growling for food. Fortunately, midday and evening snacks are possible, even if you're on a stringent diet.

The key to successful dieting is to stay on course and to keep your calories down, but you don't want to starve yourself. You just have to eat smart. Rather than grabbing a bag of your favorite potato chips or helping yourself to a serving of your favorite fast food fries, think in more healthier terms. Eat an apple, or bring a bag of baby carrots or carrot sticks in a baggie to work to snack on when you get hungry.

But, what about those snacks that line grocery store shelves claiming to be low in fat, low in carbohydrates, or even fat free? Make sure you carefully read the nutritional labels for such snacks to determine just how many calories and how much fat they contain. Those snacks that contain high fructose corn syrup should be avoided: Such ingredients will only serve to hinder your diet.

Additionally, be aware that even such prepackaged foods, no matter how little fat they contain, actually aren't entirely good for you. Prepackaged foods often offer very little value nutritionally and can actually result in you gaining weight. On top of that, such snacks often don't fill a person up for very long. A healthy snack will ensure your hunger is curbed for longer than a few minutes.

Beware and steer clear of snacks that have a lot of sugar and salt. You have plenty of options for healthy snacking, including:

- Vegetables
- Fresh fruit
- Popcorn sans butter
- Nuts
- Yogurt
- Jello (sugar-free)
- Cottage cheese

You can also find healthy snack food in your local grocery store or health food market, if you know what you're looking for: Snacks that are all-natural are ideal. You might also opt for those snacks that are comprised of mainly natural ingredients.

The key to choosing healthy snacks is to ensure you eat a variety of snacks. If you eat an apple for a snack every day, you're probably going to get tired of it and be even more tempted to cheat on your diet by eating something more satisfying. Spice it up by having a variety of snacks from which to choose.

In addition to healthy snacks, consider eating smaller meals more frequently rather than the traditional three meals a day. Some diet experts recommend eating between three and five small meals throughout the day. No matter how hungry you are, make sure you take your time when eating. If you opt for a second helping, rest for approximately ten minutes before taking seconds.

Eating healthier snacks is going to help you lose weight or maintain your ideal weight. But, you don't have to forgo all of your favorite guilty pleasures. Love chocolate ice cream? Crave a chocolate glazed donut? It's okay to eat some of your favorite snacks, from time-to-time, as long as you don't go overboard.

Want more diet tips from Lidia? Check out Lidia's DietFinds Diet and Weight Loss Blog

Weight Loss Control Program - Learn The 2 Components Of A Successful Weight Loss Control Program

Weight Loss Control Program - Learn The 2 Components Of A Successful Weight Loss Control Program

Most nutritionists and health experts will recommend a weight loss control program that combines a low calorie diet and a sound exercise plan. These are the 2 components of any successful weight loss control program.

An effective weight loss control program should be designed by a dietitian or another health professional. Usually the patient has to be evaluated before embarking on any weight loss control program. This program will usually consist of an eating plan and an exercise regime that does not require the use of supplements or any costly fitness equipment.

A good diet plan should have food coming from the different types of food group.

The first food group that should be consumed in a weight loss control program is carbohydrates. Vitamins, minerals and fibers come from sources like oats, rice, potatoes and cereals. Of course, the best will still come from sources like vegetables and fruits which contain phytochemicals, enzymes and micronutrients that are essential for a successful weight loss control program.

Fat is the other food group which should be consumed in moderation, comes from the mono and poly saturated food sources. Since fat contains more calories than other food groups, they should be taken in smaller quantities to make up for a healthy diet.

Most diet plans that are designed within an effective weight loss control program makes the person induce lower calorie intake into the body. This does not necessarily mean that one has to eat less; one simply has to choose foods that have fewer calories to make up for their meal plans. Hence, it is possible for someone to lose weight just by eating smarter.

Ideally the best exercise plan to be incorporated into a weight loss control program should have cardiovascular and weight training exercises. This plan will help to burn excess calories and elevate the muscle to fat ratio. Essentially, the exercise plan is designed to increase one's metabolism and lose weight at the same time.

During the course of the weight loss control program, one should regularly consult the doctor or other health experts to monitor the progress. There will be times when it is necessary to modify the diet plan or the exercise regime to lose weight further.

Anyone who is looking forward to shed extra pounds off their body should stick closely with the weight loss control program and not be derailed by any distractions.

Would you like to learn the formula of an amazing breakthrough diet that actually allows you to lose 9 pounds in 11 days, WITHOUT breaking a sweat in the gym and WITHOUT sacrificing any of your favorite food? Find out now by clicking this link Rock Solid Body Recommends!

You can also learn more on this topic here at Weight Loss Control Program.

Can I Get a Warranty on a Second Hand Car?

Can I Get a Warranty on a Second Hand Car?

Just because you buy a car second hand it doesnt mean that you dont have rights. However, what rights you have will all depend on where you purchase the car from. Knowing what your rights are and what you can do about them can be a problem when it comes to second hand vehicles because the vehicle could have hidden faults or the conditions defined in order for the vehicle to meet satisfactory conditions is lower.

When buying a second hand car from a dealer, many will give you the option to pay for an extended warranty over the standard one year guarantee or something similar such as mechanic breakdown cover. However, while you are paying for peace of mind, it does come at a price.

The most important thing to remember if you do have a problem with a second hand car is to act as soon as the problem is discovered. This is because the outcome depends on the condition the vehicle was sold in and if you had the vehicle some time it could affect your claim.

If you bought the car from a dealer then the car must be fit for the purpose it is sold, in satisfactory condition and must meet the description which was given. Any defects must have been pointed out to the buyer by the dealer before the sale was made. If you have problems then it could be helpful to have the car evaluated by a professional.

If the car was bought at an auction then you might not have any rights under consumer law. If you have problems with a car purchased this way, then seek professional advice from the Citizens Advice. If you buy the car from a private seller then you do have rights but less than had you bought the car from a dealer. However the vehicle has to be as described, has to have the correct documentation and has to be road worthy.

Louis Rix is a Director of, one of the UK's leading motoring websites. First established in January 2000, its mission is to become the UK's number one site for used car searches and motoring information. Netcars also provide Car Finance, loans and insurance.

Ornery and Vinegar

Ornery and Vinegar

When I was only four or five years old, I was over at my Grandma and grandpas house and while playing outside I stubbed my toe on the sidewalk in front of their house. Of course I was crying and carrying on so my grandma came out and said she would go get something to make it better.

After a while She came back outside with a pan half full of vinegar and held my foot down in it. Now this was in the early fifties, and apparently people back then didnt know what we know now of chemical makeup of different things so apparently my grandma didnt know that she was submersing my bloodied toe in acid. And she must not have known that acid on an open wound would be unbearably painful.

Unbearable pain at an early age, or I guess any age, is an unforgettable experience. Well as I recall my Dad thought the whole thing rather humorous, or so I remembered.

When I was a little older, one day, my dad, while mowing the grass hit a clothes hanger with the mower and a piece of the hanger hit him in the leg. My mom had put wire clothes hangers, stuck in the ground around her flower garden to keep the dogs out of her flowers. And my dad not seeing one hit it with the mower.

Well my mom doctored it and it seemed like it just wouldnt get better. Then one morning my dad woke up and a blue line was going up his leg, Blood poisoning ;off to the doctor for tetanus ,and penicillin shots. My dad was going to be ok but was suppose to stay in bed for a few days. So my dad was in the bedroom my mom was in the kitchen and I said Daddy says he wants you to put some vinegar on his leg

My mom poured some vinegar in a little dish and got some sterile cloth and headed for the bedroom as I headed for the back door. I heard my dad yell HEY WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO DO TO ME KILL ME, I ALMOST HAD A HEART ATTACK!--- as I ran for the barn.

Using Tarps For Home Improvement And In The Construction Industry

Using Tarps For Home Improvement And In The Construction Industry

Tarps are common in the construction industry and are a necessity. Tarps are used for a variety of purposes on construction sites. They are needed to cover and protect materials, roofs, and lumber. Construction tarps are also needed to protect cement that is delivered to the site and protect dry wall boards, as well as many other materials, equipment and supplies. There are also specialty construction tarps for plants and machinery. You can find a wide variety of construction tarps for all of your business needs.

Heavy Duty Tarps

Heavy Duty Tarps come in silver and white. They are beneficial because they have grommets at every eighteen inches rather than the usual grommets at every thirty-six inches. Those with the wider spaces between the grommets are of a lower quality tarp. Heavy Duty Tarps are a high quality product that is affordable. The money you invest in these tarps will pay off well in the long term. Protect your materials, equipment and supplies without worrying about them. There is also a UV (ultra violet) inhibitor added into the tarps that will give the tarps a longer life even when out in the sun for long periods of time. The sun can damage many things, but with this UV inhibitor it will take a lot longer to damage these Heavy Duty Tarps.

Generic Blue Tarps

Builders often opt for the generic blue tarps because they are cheaper. Sometimes these blue tarps are good enough for the project they are working on. They wont be out there for a long period of time so a cheap and simple blue tarp will be all they need.

Poly Tarps

In the South Eastern part of the United States, including Florida, the use of tarps has been extensive due to the numerous hurricanes that have come that way during the last few years. Canvas tarps were used many years ago and they are still available. However, the Poly tarp that is used on building sites the most is of a better quality. Many more builders are now using Poly tarps.

Poly tarps are probably the most popular kind of tarp available to you. They come in a variety of sizes, shapes, colors, and prices. You can find a poly tarp to help you in construction, with tents, with a canopy, for a carport, for a yard project, and even special occasions such as a wedding. Many people need poly tarps to replace the tarps that are worn out on their canopies. The canopy frame almost always outlives the tarp itself and is cheaper and easier to just replace the tarp instead of buying a whole new canopy.

Fire Retardant Tarps

Fire retardant tarps are also used in construction sites, because they can help protect the materials, equipment and supplies in the event of a fire, especially when the crew is away from the construction site. Fire retardant tarps are available in white and silver. Heavy duty tarps are available in red, yellow and orange. These colors are perfect for when you want your tarps to be highly visible no matter what. You can also keep these tarps and use the different colors for different items.

Tarps can be used for a wide variety of uses. Many people use them on their canopies, on tents, projector screens, to protect vehicles, and even to protect anything else that needs to be left outside for an extended period of time.

There are so many uses for tarps it is nearly unbelievable. They can be very handy for anyone. They can help to protect your outdoor equipment such as an ATV, dirt bike, moped, motorcycle, bicycles, your cars, and more. Use tarps to help you protect your business items and your home items.

Robert Page CEO Tarpaflex US Naples Florida

Clean Sterling Silver Jewelry How To Guide

Clean Sterling Silver Jewelry How To Guide

Knowing how to clean and care for your Sterling Silver Jewelry is not as simple as you may think. These instructional tips give you the know how on cleaning your sterling silver properly with out damaging the finish and making your items last from generation to generation.

Step #1: Deciding on the proper cleaning products to use is some what confusing and extremely important. Choosing products such as: bleach, ammonia, alcohol, acetone, and other such products can damage your Sterling Silver beyond repair. Stay with a mild cleaner and be sure to dilute them with water (just to be safe). Some good home products to use are: baking soda, non abrasive tooth paste, mild phosphate free detergents as well as commercial silver cleaners.

Step #2: Choosing a cleaning brush. Be careful on the type of brushes you choose to deep clean Sterling Silver. Stay away from hard bristle brushes with horsehair and abrasive style brushes. The best cleaning brushes to use may be a baby tooth brush, a mushroom brush, very soft bristle toothbrush also consider using a sunshine cloth, which can be used wet or dry.

Note: When cleaning Sterling Silver always clean up and down motion NOT in circular motion.

Step #3: When drying your sterling silver jewelry choosing the proper cloth material should be taken very carefully. Use 100% cotton materials such as: old T-shirts, sweat shirts, cotton balls, soft flannel materials (all unbleached), and silver wipes. Using these types of home and commercial materials can help prevent your Sterling Silver from being scratched or even completely damaged.

There are many misconceptions on what to do to keep your precious Sterling Silver Clean and lustrous. Following the steps provided will insure your Sterling Silver will be taken care of properly and will last a lifetime.

Spending many years in the manufacturing and caring of Sterling Silver Gifts my experience insures your confidence in silver products. Our new website list only high quality sterling silver jewelry and gifts. Visit our website today at: Inspiration Gifts Sterling Silver Jewelry

A Case For Life Insurance To Prevent Financial Disaster In Your Life

A Case For Life Insurance To Prevent Financial Disaster In Your Life

Life Insurance is one of those topics that most people just hate to deal with. The typical problem with life insurance is that there are a wide variety of options and many times the options are very complex. The goal of this article is to explore some of the critical aspects of life insurance and provide a logical foundation you can use to help you decide which type of life insurance policy provides the best option for you.

In the event of a tragedy, life insurance is all about replacing your income for your loved ones that depend on your income. If you do not have anyone who depends on your income there is typically not a compelling reason for you to have a life insurance policy. Therefore, before you can select a type of life insurance policy it is highly important you consider all the dependents that are supported by your income. A dependant could be your children, a spouse, a parent, or grandparent.

After determining your dependants, it is time to select a type of life insurance policy. Life insurance policies come in many types and each year new types of policies are introduced. The broad categories include term life insurance, whole life insurance, universal life insurance and variable life insurance.

Term life insurance normally provides the best value and coverage option for most people. It differs from whole life insurance, universal life insurance and variable life insurance in that it can be up to 10 times cheaper, but if you do not use the coverage before it expires there is no redemption value for the money that you paid into the insurance policy. On the other hand, whole life insurance, universal life insurance and variable life insurance are known as cash policies because they provide an investment component and other benefits that can provide income to you in your retirement years.

The main consideration when selecting between term life insurance and a cash policy like variable, whole life or universal life is typically focused around your objective. For instance, if your objective is to get the most possible life insurance coverage for the least possible cost you will most likely want to select a term life insurance policy. On the other hand, if you desire only a little coverage but would like future investment income a variable, whole life or universal life cash policy may work well for you. When selecting an objective you should highly consider your loved ones as your principal concern. This will ensure that your loved ones do not have to struggle because you were underinsured.

Once you select a type of policy you will need to consider how much coverage to get. This decision should focus highly on how much your loved ones will need to comfortably live without your income. In making this decision ensure you think of long term expenses, including college expenses, mortgage payments, weddings, private school tuition, credit card debt payoff, etc. In selecting the amount of coverage every persons situation is unique, but a good rule of thumb is to consider for the worst in setting how much to insure yourself for. For instance, if your children are your primary dependants, you should assume the worse. A worse case situation would be a tragedy happens to you and your spouse at the same time and your children are left without parents. You may say to yourself that this will never happen, but every year couples leave their children behind due to unforeseen tragedies such as car accidents.

Since cash life insurance policies are much more expensive than term life insurance one last consideration is that you may be better off selecting a term life insurance policy and investing the cash savings yourself in a tax free Roth IRA or other investment account. Remember a life insurance policy is primarily to protect yourself in the event of a tragedy not to invest for your retirement. There are far better way to invest for retirement which is why term life insurance may offer you the best coverage for the value.

About The Author: Jay Fran has a background in financial services and enjoys helping buyers of financial services make the right decisions. Jay is also an avid Suzuki motorcycle rider and the creator and main publisher at, a website specializing in assisting motorcycle buyers in making the right decisions pertaining to Motorcycle Loans. If you are in the market for a motorcycle, be sure to check out You will gain valuable insight on how to make the best decision for you in obtaining a motorcycle loan.

Companies Make Real Profits from Real Tones

Companies Make Real Profits from Real Tones

When the first cell phones rolled into the market in the 1990s, nobody ever expected that those clunky black boxes with their electronic shrills would develop into sleek, powerful machines that could (aside from sending and receiving calls) take a picture, make a video, and sing.

Yes, sing. Todays ringtones have the audio quality equal to the sounds we hear in real life. Say goodbye to the monophonic ringtones and its R2D2-like beeps and whistles. And even the polyphonic ringtones sound too sharp for our tastes, more like a music box than, well, music. Now, the standard for ringtones is real tonesas melodic and realistic as the songs on the radio (or the sounds of the farm, depending on which real tone you want).

Real tones are also called true tones, voice tones and name tones. But, to borrow a phrase from Shakespeare, A tone by any other name would sound as sweet. The popularity of real tones has reached a point that its actually formed a large chunk of the profits of the cell phone industry.

While there are many sites that provide real tones for free (preferring to get their earnings from clicks, ads or links) many mobile phone users actually dont mind paying good money for a song that they like.

Just look at the industry reports. A staggering 60% of the total revenues from the mobile phone ringtone industry are from real tones. They are clearly outselling monophonic ringtones and polyphonic ringtones, which only from 33% of the revenues combined. The remaining seven percent of the total revenues were generated from the download of callback tones.

That means over half of the millions of cell phone users are keeping it real. People are addicted to real tones, and will continue downloading tones even if their phones already packed with a list of songs that would make a DJ proud. In fact, even if cell phones are already programmed with its own generic set of ringtones, most prefer to replace them with real tones that they love. Its part of the whole appeal of being able to personalize your phone.

There are hundreds of thousands of real tones available on the web. The most popular are from the songs of pop artists like Gwen Stefani, Destiny's Child. Of course, it all depends on whos leading the pop charts. Gwen Stefani's Hollaback Girl, Cater 2 U by Destiny's Child, and We Belong Together by Mariah Carey were all big hits in 2005, so its not surprising that people want to play them on their phones.

Next to pop, the most popular real tones are from Rap, Hip Hop and Punk.All in all, about 76% of real tone revenues are from actual songs. Studies show that theres a relationship between the songs that are downloaded for iPods and the songs downloaded for real tones. Generally, a music fan will want to have both on his gadgetsone to listen to, and an excerpt to play on the phone.

However, there are other types of real tones as well. Around 11% of the revenues in real tones were actually voice tones: celebrities saying hi, excerpts from movies. specializes in the different genres of ringtones including all the latest real tones.

Tips to Buy a New Car

Tips to Buy a New Car

Once you decide to buy a new car, you should research and then proceed. There are many ways you can do research, you can ask your relatives, colleagues and get their opinions.

1) Do research on the net and get information on the latest madels or buy car magazines and learn more about the car.

2) Learn more about the safety, reliability and performance of the car.

a)Try to research on 2-3 models in that segment and then compare the price, mileage etc and then decide.

b)Take a test drive. Feel the car.

3) Get atleast 2-3 quotes from dealers (online, visiting the dealer or from phone).

4)Negotiate on the deals and also ask if there are freebies and discounts.

There are lots of websites which provide information on car dealers, car loans etc. There are many message boards where you can ask questions and get answers from car enthusiasts.

If you do not have a relative or friend who has knowledge about the car you would like to purchase, then interenet would be of great help. There are lots of car message boards where you can ask questions and get answers from many car enthusiats. Research the net before buying a car as you could save a lot of money.

Paul has been providing answers to lots of queries through his website on a wide variety of subjects ranging from satellite phones to acne. To learn more visit

You are welcome to republish the above article only if you add our hyperlinked URL.

Helping The Disabled With A Melwood Car Donation

Helping The Disabled With A Melwood Car Donation

The Melwood Car Donation program is designed to assist Melwood in its work with the disabled. Melwood, located in Upper Marlboro, Maryland, has spent the last four decades working to improve the lives of developmentally disabled people in the Washington DC, Maryland, and Virginia regions, and is devoted to helping the disabled find a functioning place in their communities.

Developmental disabilities are those which prevent children from being able to participate in their educational and social experiences in the same way as their non-disabled peers, and Melwood realizes that disabled children, when given a different sort of training, can become contributing members of society. Melwood has established the Melwood car donation program as a way to fund their various undertakings on behalf of the disabled.

100% of the proceeds from the Melwood car donation program are earmarked for the financing of projects to aid the developmentally disabled; these projects range from educational to recreational, to research, to finding employment opportunities. Everything Melwood does is aimed at letting the disabled realize their potential instead of dwelling on their shortcomings.

How To Make A Melwood Car Donation
Melwood has gone out of its way to make the Melwood car donation process as user friendly it can. You can begin your Melwood car donation either by calling their toll-free number at 1-877-MELWOOD to be walked through the process one step at a time, or you can visit the Melwood car donation website at:

The Melwood car donation website contains all the online forms youll need to accomplish most of the process without leaving your computer. Even better, once all the details have been arranged, Melwood will take care of having it picked up.

How your Donation Will Benefit You
Your Melwood car donation will not only be a tremendous gift to the developmentally disabled; it will benefit you in the form of a tax deduction. Melwood will sell your car to help fund its work, and you will be able to write off the full amount of the sale on your next tax return. As long as you itemize your deductions, you can take a sizeable one for your Melwood car donation.

Since the Melwood car donation program began, over 150,000 vehicles have been donated to assist Melwood in assisting the developmentally disabled. The amount of good that has done is immeasurable, and you can keep the traditions going by adding your old car to the list!

You can also find more info on Car Donation In Portland and Car Donation Programs. is a comprehensive resource to know about Car Donation.

The Facts About the "Spot Reducing" Myth

The Facts About the "Spot Reducing" Myth

There are a lot of people who are dissatisfied with one area or another of their body. You will often hear these people saying things like, I need to get rid of this stomach or I need an exercise that will slim my thighs down.

The premise behind these types of statements is that you can lose excess fat in any one given area on your body without affecting any other part of your body. Maybe if you just knew the right exercise to do, you could lose the fat in just the area you want to lose it in.

The plain and simple truth is; there is no such thing as localized fat loss. When you do a specific exercise for a specific part of your body, the muscles of that particular body part will develop and get stronger and grow bigger, but it will do nothing for getting rid of the fat in the area.

Usually the reason people who do exercise get stronger but do not visually see the muscle development is because the excess fat is still covering the muscles.

Here are the facts about the spot reducing myth:

Physiologically speaking, muscle tissue is always firm. Muscle only feels like it not firm because of the presence of too much fat. Body parts that do not look toned simply have too much fat covering them. People are genetically predisposed to carry more fat in certain areas of their bodies, thus accounting for the extra buildup in these areas.

When you want to lose body fat, you must create a calorie deficit within your body. This means that you will have to consume less calories than you burn throughout the day.

While you will typically seem to notice more rapid fat loss in your trouble spots, you will actually be losing fat from your whole body because when your body goes into fat burning mode, it can not select different areas to do it from.

When you start to lose body fat, it is genetically determined where the most rapid loss will occur first. Areas that do not store as much body fat will only have so much to lose, so you will see more fat loss in the harder spots as you go.

Despite the popular saying, it is impossible to turn fat into muscle. They are made up of completely different types of cells and one can not convert into the other. You can only lose fat and replace it with increased muscle size.

Also, you can not firm up fat, nor can you firm up muscle. Fat and muscle cells are what they are, and you cant change their composition. Simply put, softer muscle = more fat present and harder muscle = less fat present.

Muscle tone is simply the visual appearance of muscle in the absence of fat. Sensible eating coupled with moderate exercise will help take off any extra fat, even from trouble areas.

Just because you cant spot reduce does not mean you cant lose the fat in those areas. You just need to make the little changes in your eating habits and introduce a little exercise into your life that will make getting rid of that stubborn fat a reality.

Jim O'Neill gives you tons of valuable information on the subjects of weight loss, fitness, and nutrition to make it easy for you to live a healthy lifestyle. Sign up now for his free 7 part mini e-course at:

7 Secrets to a Wildly Successful Weight Loss and Fitness Program

7 Secrets to a Wildly Successful Weight Loss and Fitness Program

All too often, each of us grasps for quick fixes, fast results and "little effort" schemes to lose weight and get back in shape (or get in shape for the first time). Without exception, most fail miserably and continue the same patterns of behavior that put them there in the first place. What usually follows is the "blame game" citing time, obligations, work, soreness, food taste and the wrong phase of the moon for the lapse in self achievement.

Each of us has exactly 24 hours in a day. No one has more and no one has less. How we choose to use this time is the difference between achieving what we desire and staying in the same rut we started in. Go find a mirror. Take this article with you. When you are in front of the mirror, that person is the one responsible for your life. Your fitness level, weight, self image and role model for others start with you!

Fortunately, the mind is very adaptive to change and reprogramming. A habit can be broken for a lifetime in as little as 21 days.

History tells us human nature has battled with motivation and self achievement since our creation. Let us ponder what our 26th president, Mr. Theodore Roosevelt, spoke of taking responsibility for ourselves.

"Get action. Seize the moment. Man was never intended to become an oyster." An oyster is closed off from the world. Wishing, dreaming and talking about what you should do or could do never gets anything done.

"Never throughout history has a man who lived a life of ease left a name worth remembering." Think about this statement. How many leaders, athletes, celebrities, achievers got where they are now by easing through life? No one said weight loss, fitness or muscle building was easy. Do not be afraid of work. It will not kill you but not working could.

"In a moment of decision the best thing you can do is the right thing. The worst thing you can do is nothing." This does not mean if we do not know the exact right thing to do we should study options for years. No action leads to few results. Start doing something now. Take a walk at lunch. Walk the dog an extra mile tonight.

"People ask the difference between a leader and a boss. The leader leads, and the boss drives." Leaders are visionaries. Leaders have a goal in place, steps to achieve that goal and leaders will not stop until the goal is accomplished. Others wait for the leaders to tell them who, what, where, when and why. Be a leader for your body.

"Old age is like everything else. To make a success of it, you've got to start young." Today is the first day of the rest of your life. Exercise programs and weight loss control can start when you are 70 as well as 25 years young. Be a role model for your family and friends. Imagine the impact on future generations because of your action today.

"The first requisite of a good citizen in this republic of ours is that he shall be able and willing to pull his own weight." If you are not willing to take control of your fitness level and weight control, who is? We were not born with a "right" to a slim and beautiful body created by anyone else but you. This goes back to self achievement and motivation. Grab a friend and help each other pull their own weight off!

"If you could kick the person in the pants responsible for most of your trouble, you would not be able to sit for a month." I saved the best one for last. The difference between doers and watchers is evident by now. Those who take responsibility for our own bodies, fitness levels and weight loss are the ones that start doing something now.

Weight loss and fitness programs start in our mind. There are many resources available for the specific how-to knowledge for diet, nutrition and exercise. Without the motivation, measurable results and constant feedback from others and ourselves, we are limited in our success.

I know you will print out this article and tack it to your cubicle at work, fold it into the sun visor of your car and slip it under the magnet on the kitchen refrigerator (near the handle)! We all will slip from time to time and indulge our whims. That is ok as long as the ultimate goal is life long weight loss, control and improved fitness levels. Thank you President Roosevelt. History continues to repeat itself.

Are you looking to get in top physical shape without the hype and lies? Keith Crovatt has assembled leading experts, tips, tricks and techniques to guide you. "One Body, One Mind, One Day-At-A-Time" Sign-up for the FREE newsletter and get the mini-course "Why You Should Say No To Quick Weight Loss!" Click here=>

Career Change - Understanding Your Worth and Value

Career Change - Understanding Your Worth and Value

Asimo is a robot made by Honda and currently working for IBM Japan. ASIMO works as a receptionist for IBM. He greets guests and shows them around the building. Asimos gets paid $150,000 a year (Yearly lease for ASIMO) Compared to the salary of a human receptionist - $35,000. To perform these duties, ASIMO has to be specially programmed to know the layout of the buildings and the appropriate way to greet visitors and answer questions.

What about You!

I recently saw a documentary about a lady that could not smile because of a birth defect. It cost her $70,000 to surgically have a smile created for her. It's close to the real thing but it's still not the real thing. Knowing the value of a rolex watch, how much would you pay for a fake rolex. Now try smiling. Easy? That's priceless but an artificial one would cost you $70,000.

Try squeezing your hand, pick up your pen, throw your pen a varied speeds, pick your ear, play with your hand, do what you wish. Asimo couldn't even do a tenth of what you are doing, yet it is paid a salary of $150,000 dollars. Asimo is a fake version of you. No where near the real thing.

You are priceless and Asimo is worthless compared to what you can do.

Yet it gets paid more than most!


People will only see you as you see yourself! My father always told me; "If you sell yourself cheap during the day, don't expect to increase the price at night, for you will not find a buyer" You are fearfully & wonderfully made, you probably have been nurtured and cared for by loving parents who in their own rights are priceless. You don't have to be programmed to know the layout of a building, greet visitors and answer questions. You are not made by man but uniquely created and fashioned to invent, innovate, discover, adapt and rule.

Dr, Micheal Denton clearly states the cosmos (universe) is specially designed whole with life and mankind as its fundamental goal and purpose. Cosmos - The universe regarded as an orderly, harmonious whole. In simple words, The world has been created specifically for you!

Trees have a purpose, gold has a purpose, water has a purpose, salt has a purpose, even micro-organisms have a purpose. What more of you? You are the most intelligent being of all creation - One that wills thoughts to action, one with feelings, emotions, a soul and a mind to invent, learn, discover, communicate, build and rule.

The more physicist, biologists and scientist learn about the universe the more they realise it has been created custom made for human existence. For you are made with love in mind - Psalmist

If the world has been built with you in mind, why settle for anything less. Asimo is a product of your your neighbours invention and how much is it worth?

The question I need to ask you is this:

How do you see yourself?

The most valuable things in life are not things but people. You and I.

Celebrate and value yourself daily and everyone else will treat you the same way.

By Keji Giwa

The Importance of Auto Accessories

The Importance of Auto Accessories

Auto accessories play a key role in smartening up a vehicle and keeping it looking top notch. These accessories are supplementary components that improve the capability of a vehicle, and in fact play a cardinal role in the entire process of auto care.

Car Care:

Car care involves comprehensive care and attention to interior and exterior accessories, body, tires, engine and other mechanical parts. This is necessary to keep the vehicle in top performance and appearance.

Interior car accessories may include dash covers, car seat covers, mirrors, shifter knobs, aftermarket steering wheels, steering wheel covers, fuel consumption meters, window tint film, stereo system, mobile video or DVD players, floor mats, and air fresheners.

Car seat covers can be purchased in various materials and designs, depending on ones preference. These include leather seat covers, sheepskin seat covers, custom car seat covers and infant car seat covers.

Exterior accessories may consist of styling body kits, spoilers, sports mirrors, head and tail light covers, car hood shields, car bras, window visors, car covers, a sunroof, wiper blades, hood scoops, window graphics and wheel caps.

Truck or SUV care:

Undertaking regular care of ones truck or SUV is naturally very important to keep it in top form. This may also involve sourcing and storing various new or second hand truck accessories, depending on the significance or rarity of the parts required.

Some specialized truck accessories include customized truck covers, novelty hitch covers, pickup truck bed covers, and tonneau covers.

Benefits of Auto Accessories:

Auto accessories provide smart looks to a vehicle. If they are of good quality and taste they provide embellishment to a point where a vehicle would look plain and incomplete without them.

The roles of auto accessories are twofold; not only do they smarten up a vehicle, but also help protect the vehicles parts from wear and tear. A good example would be how seat covers protect the seats of a vehicle from body wear and the sun, and how a steering wheel cover not only protects the steering wheel from wear, but provides a good grip for the driver.

Buying Auto Accessories:

Today with the internet, auto accessories can easily be purchased or ordered online. With such a vast array of online auto accessory stores, you can be sure to find exactly what you are looking for.

Paul MacIver is a car enthusiast, and writes for Performance Cars and Car Stuff Online where you can find further details on specialized auto accessories. You may freely reprint this article as long as nothing is changed, and bio is included with all links intact.

Prednizone Side Effects - Should I Be Worried if I Take this Drug?

Prednizone Side Effects - Should I Be Worried if I Take this Drug?

Prednizone- the correct spelling is prednisone- is a commonly used oral glucocorticoid medicine.

The adrenal glands manufacture a natural form of glucocorticoid. Glucocorticoids are responsible for many functions in the body including maintenance of blood pressure, proper use of sugar, protein, and fat metabolism, response to stress, and many other tasks.

Glucocorticoids manufactured by the body are referred to as endogenous steroids- meaning a persons own body makes these steroids.

When steroids are taken in from the outside either by mouth, intramuscularly or intravenously, they are referred to as exogenous steroids. Taking glucocorticoids orally or intravenously can reduce the ability of the persons own adrenal glands to continue to manufacture glucocorticoids.

Without the ability to increase steroid production in the face of stressors such as injury, infection, and surgery, a patient can go into shock.

The chances of the adrenal glands being suppressed increase as the dose of outside steroid exceeds the average daily equivalent output of the adrenal glands which is about 5.0-7.5 mg prednisone, therapy continues for more than a few weeks or months, doses are given late in the day or in split doses, or long-acting corticosteroid preparations are used.

Patients who require high doses of prednisone (more than 20 mgs a day) for extended periods of time often will develop side-effects.

Taking steroids on an alternate day (every other day) schedule lessens the chance of adrenal insufficiency but does not do away with it altogether.

Other side-effects include:

Increased risk of bacterial or opportunistic infections such as fungi, tuberculosis, pneumocystis carinii
Elevated blood sugar
Fat distribution changes leading to moon face, buffalo hump
Elevated blood lipids
Aggravation of hypertension
Electrolyte abnormalities such as low blood potassium
Fluid retention leading to edema
Easy bruisibility
Increased body hair
Increased sweating
Purple stretch marks
Impaired wound healing
Muscle wasting
Stomach ulcers
Accelerated hardening of the arteries
Osteonecrosis (bone death)
Psychiatric disturbance
Bowel perforation
Masking of infection

The use of prednisone for different diseases such as arthritis needs to be assessed with the potential benefits vs. the risks. These benefits and risks need to be discussed with your rheumatologist.

Dr. Wei (pronounced way) is a board-certified rheumatologist and Clinical Director of the nationally respected Arthritis and Osteoporosis Center of Maryland. He is a Clinical Assistant Professor of Medicine at the University of Maryland School of Medicine and has served as a consultant to the Arthritis Branch of the National Institutes of Health. He is a Fellow of the American College of Rheumatology and the American College of Physicians. For more information on arthritis and related conditions, go to: Prednizone Side Effects

The Carburetor, Will It Last?

The Carburetor, Will It Last?

Do you know if your car or motorcycle has a carburetor? Or, perhaps you are trying to figure out how in the world you are going to fix whatever is wrong with yours. The truth is that a little knowledge never hurt anyone. So, lets take a closer look at what the carburetor is and what it does. You may not even have one to deal with! But, if you do, here are some facts to help you along your learning way about carburetors.

What Is The Carburetor?

The carburetor is a device on the engine of a car or other vehicle that mixes fuel with air. These are featured on internal combustion type engines. In most cases, the carburetor is no longer used though. Most cars now use fuel injection as opposed to the use of a carburetor. Nevertheless, the carburetor is still used on many small type engines and in older or specialized vehicles. Cars built after the decade of the 1980s, no longer use a carburetor, but use an electronic, computerized fuel injector instead. In many cases, the motorcycle still used a carburetor.

In most cases, engines that use carburetors only use one. But, in high performance vehicles and those with more than four cylinders, there may be more than one carburetor used. But, how does the carburetor actually work?

Have you ever heard of Bernoullis principle? It says that moving air has a lower pressure than air that is still. That means that the faster the air moves, the lower the pressure will be. The throttle controls the amount of air that is allowed into the carburetor as opposed to the amount of fuel that is used. The vacuum that is created by the carburetor is what draws in more fuel into the carburetor and allows for faster flows of air.

When it comes to repair work that is done on the carburetor, it is necessary to learn not only what is wrong with it but also what is needed to repair it and why that is. When you understand how the carburetor works, you can get a better idea of what is needed to repair it. And, you will need to consult a professional if the task is beyond you because not repairing the carburetor correctly can and does lead to more serious problems with the engine down the toad.

Manufactures Of Carburetors

There are several different manufacturers out there. Most are specialized in where they serve, who they serve or in the exact type of device they make and sell. If you are looking for a manufacturer, consider these.

Ford Motor Companys manufacturer of carburetors is Autolite. Japanese automobiles are often equipped with Hitachi, Ltd, Keihin, or Mikuni carburetors General Motors vehicles feature Rochester Carburetor. UK motorcycle carburetors are usually Amal Ltd.

About The Author
Dave Robinson This article was made possible by Visit our site for other great information on carburetors.

Classic Cars In Qatar

Classic Cars In Qatar

The more I research about cars in Qatar, which got initiated with the three am phone call I mentioned in my earlier article, the more it amazes me how much the interest in classic and custom cars has escalated in Qatar and the neighboring countries. The research has lead me to believing that the trend starts in Dubai, then soon later moves to surrounding countries especially Qatar.

Certainly, the economic situation is currently in a booming mode, and that has a positive reflection on the money being injected into the car market. The demand has lead to establishing a car show that is held in Dubai every other year, Middle East International Motor Show. The year 2005 saw the show as the largest international automotive event in the Middle East. The show occupies 11 exhibition halls at the Dubai International Convention and Exhibition Center.

The question that came to my mind was, how much influence did the show have on the increased demand? The show attendees were from every GCC state, royal family members, top ranking government officials, VIPs were amongst the many visitors drawn to the show. Having lived in the GCC region, I have experienced the fact that new trends tend to find it easy to dominate the market, or at least attracting attention at a very rapid speed. To bring the article facts together, Qatar and Dubai are currently witnessing the highest per capita incomes in the world. This allows for the citizen that has an income slightly above average, simply for prestigious reasons to follow a trend or a fashion that is done by VIPS simply for

The research journey has not stopped, rather the more research I make, the more I am interested to learn about the differences in tastes and markets. I will dedicate an article for the amazing finding in the market differences. To get up-to-date research results, visit the section I dedicated to Qatar classic cars

Copyright - 2007 Khalid R. Mustaffa The owner of cars in Houston The website is dedicated to serve the Houston market needs pertaining to cars in houston
The website provides important information to car buyers and owners around the world. It also serves as Houston used cars classifieds

ATV Crashes - The Eye Opening Statistics

ATV Crashes - The Eye Opening Statistics

Thousands of deaths each year are the result of ATV crashes. The toll that these crashes take usually result injuries ending in death or permanent physical damage. Spinal cord and brain injuries are quite common. An increasingly high number of these accidents involve children and teens under the age of 12.

ATV crashes are usually the result of the person driving using irresponsible practices and not paying attention. The dangers associated with the improper operation of an ATV are typically the result of young drivers who are usually inexperienced. A majority of ATV operators do not wear a helmet which is one of the primary safety requirements. Additionally, the majority of ATV crash deaths are accounted for by head injuries.

To the surprise of many people, drug and alcohol use are responsible for up to 30% of ATV crashes. By using an ATV while you are under the influence of either drugs or alcohol can end up leading to a disregard for ATV safety as well as a lack of concentration. Excessive speed as well as areas of operation that are not ride-able can end up being deadly.

You will find that many individuals use their ATV on roads that are public which creates a higher risk of a two vehicle accident. Because ATVs have a higher center of gravity that can contribute to instability while traveling at high speeds. The majority of crashes happen typically within the first 30 days of ownership prior to the operator having a chance to becoming proficient with their ATV operations.

ATV Crashes -- Having to Deal with the Consequences

The majority of ATV crash trauma and death happen with minors who are 16 years old or under. Parents of these adolescents typically fail to comprehend the significance and importance of safety education and supervision. Physicians experience a high degree of difficulty to address grief stricken parents after such an accident has occurred.

In the event of permanent damage or death many parents feel they are to blame. This is an occurrence that many parents will have to live with for the rest of their lives. It is a tragic fact that parents do not comprehend the potential hazards and dangers before it's too late.

ATV crashes also account for many millions of dollars each year in medical expenses. Tragically, it is a rare occasion when a crash does not end up requiring medical attention. This can be a traumatic experience if the family happens to not have health insurance.

ATV Safety Practices

If you're going to ride an ATV you should always wear protective clothing and a helmet. Investigate your local area for ATV rider education programs which show you the best rider safety instructions. Never let your teenager carry a passenger on the ATV and whenever possible stop or at least limit the riding upon public roadways.

Do not let your teenager ride an ATV that is too large in size for them to be able to handle and never allow them to operate any ATVs that have only three wheels. Safety education and supervision is very important and could very likely save the life of your child or even your life.

Listen to Korbin Newlyn as he shares his insights as an expert author and an avid writer in the field of extreme sports. If you would like to learn more go to ATV Tips and at Suzuki ATV

Tour Bus Sales - Finding the Right Tour Buses

Tour Bus Sales - Finding the Right Tour Buses

Searching through a variety of tour bus sales options you may wonder what would be the best way to purchase a tour bus. As you may have already discovered there are many different methods of doing so and they all one way or the other offer certain advantages. However, in this article we will take a look at working with online and offline dealership tour bus sales options. We will look at some pros and cons these options offer and hopefully this information will help you in making the most of dealing with tour bus sales.

Now, today the North America tour bus sales market is operated by a number of both large and small tour bus sales companies. Some of them represent large nationwide bus suppliers, while others work locally or offer their services through the Internet. First we will discuss dealing with the large offline tour bus sales dealerships. Of course, one of the major shortcomings of working with bus dealers is their service fees and commissions that otherwise, buying a bus directly from a seller, you would not have to pay. However, these tour bus sales companies offer their clients a great number of additional services and advantages, which can well reimburse you any extra payments that have to make. Thus, besides selling buses most of the reliable large tour bus sales dealers offer their clients well developed infrastructures of bus purchase financing plans, insurance plans, warranties, etc. They also may have large inventories of replacement parts and provide you with highly qualified technicians to do your tour bus maintenance or repair work. All of the above mentioned factors are crucial for running successful tour bus business and can save you significant amount of time and money, while operating it. Moreover, those tour bus sales companies always try to make you their repeated client. This means that when a time comes to replace or change your bus for a newer one, the tour bus sales company you work with may offer you certain discounts or benefits, available to repeated clients only.

As to the online tour bus sales companies, the fee they charge you for their services is also an issue. However, shopping for tour buses online may save you considerable amount of time. For, this way you will not have to even leave your home in order to view available bus options. All you do is get online and surf through the tour bus sales inventories and listings. Moreover, online tour bus sales companies may also provide bus financing and leasing services for their clients. Besides, searching for a tour bus online can provide you with many more bus options, because you may find there nice buses not only from your local area, but from all over the States. Plus, an online tour bus sales company will supply you with the detailed information on the buses you have selected and inform you about any possible technical problems with them.

Jen Carter is team member and writes regularily about small used buses for sale, Shuttle bus sales and bus sales for

10 Obstacles To Online Business Success

10 Obstacles To Online Business Success

When you decide to achieve anything in your life you will always encounter obstacles. If you know what they are in advance then you can work to mitigate their effect upon you so instead of becoming unconquerable mountains they become pleasant hills for you to enjoy on your journey to success.

There are many different obstacles standing in front of you and your online business success you will learn to overcome some of the most common obstacles that may be in your way.

When you are looking at offers and evaluation propositions and products that appear too good to be true then remember they probably are. If somebody approached you offline offering to sell you a $20,000 Rolex watch for 50 bucks, would you be suspicious?

Of course you would you would immediately think it was fake or stolen.

However, online people are forever offering you amazing opportunities, Make $1,000,000 in a year in your underpants doing nothing, Get 3,000,000,000 targeted visitors to your website for just $20 and so on. You know the sort.

New Internet Marketers, keen to earn their fortune and change their lives fall into this trap many times, buying opportunity after opportunity in the vain hope that it will magically transform their life and make their dreams come true.

This rarely happens. If you see an offer that appears too good to be true then it usually is. You will end up with the promise not being met and your bank balance being lighter.

Another common obstacle is a lack of focus. As I touched on above, people will jump from opportunity to opportunity trying desperately to make money without ever giving one opportunity a fair chance.

If you were going to run a marathon, would you go and exercise for a few days and then decide you are ready to run twenty six miles? Would you run for a day or two, then use some weights for a few days, then swim for a few days, then use a trampoline for a few days?

Of course you wouldnt. You could practice consistently at running and at exercises that enhance your ability to run but never take your focus off the marathon you are going to run.

The same applies to Internet Marketing. If you jump from opportunity to opportunity then you are going to delay or even miss your success. You need to take the time and focus on one opportunity to make it a success. If what you are doing is not working then change your approach. The definition of insanity is to keep going the same thing again and again and expecting different results.

By noticing the results you are getting from your efforts and changing your approach you will change your approach and reach the success you desire much quicker.

Discover more of the obstacles that Internet Marketers face and how they overcame them in Intimate Confessions Of Internet Marketers The Shocking Truth About Making Money Online ebook.

By Lama Kalla copyrights 2006

Lama Kalla "The Cyberspace Invader" is a fearless author and entrepreneur both on and offline. Lama has started a one woman crusade to eliminate the hype and help new Internet marketers get their projects off the ground and bringing in an income. Secure your copy now of her new ebook which will rock cyberspace

12 Items You CAN'T Sell On EBay

12 Items You CAN'T Sell On EBay

Millions of would-be entrepreneurs want to sell things on ebay. eBay is the #1 home-business opportunity in the world right now, so it's natural that many are eager to find highly profitable items for re-sale on eBay. However, it's important to know that there are certain items that can't be sold. Here are a dozen of them ...

Some items are copyright infringement and can actually land a seller in federal prison:

1. Knock offs of music, TV shows or movies. The "bootleg" movies, for example, are often made by guys who sneak a movie camera into a newly-released movie where presumably, they crouch behind a seat and make a crummy copy. There is a large production of these counterfeit items in Asia where US laws have no power.

2. Software and computer games can likewise be copied and their sale is illegal by all US laws.

Naturally, the items above may be sold if you have a copy that you purchased legitimately and no longer want.

3. The so-called "replica" market for handbags, designer sunglasses and clothing is definitely forbidden although these items are often sold in physical stores around the US. Ironically, when attending eBay Live In New Orleans in 2004, we found a store in one of their famous markets selling replica purses that were not allowed on eBay.

4. Lazy and less-than-honest sellers often steal copyrighted material from other sellers. This has happened to me many times and eBay has a program called VERO (Verified Rights Owner) that will remove offending auctions, although there seems to be no penalty attached to the seller, which is unfortunate.

5. Alcoholic beverage sales are not allowed although a beverage "container', especially those of wine, may be sold for its value.

6. Cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco or coupons for such items are not permitted on

The Ebay rules for collectible tobacco and alcohol containers are the same:

* The value of the item is in the collectible packaging, not in the wine/tobacco itself.

* The listing description should state that the package has not been opened, but that the twine/tobacco within is not for consumption.

* The collectible tobacco packaging must not be available at any retail outlet, and packaging must have a value that substantially exceeds the current retail price of that wine/tobacco product in the package.

* Sellers must take steps to ensure that the buyer of these collectibles is at least 18 years of age

7. Firearms are strictly regulated by US law and may not be sold on eBay.

8. Satellite and cable TV descramblers are forbidden by the Federal Trade Commission.

9. Animals and wildlife products may not be sold, which includes stuffed birds and pelts from endangered species. There are limited sales of ivory, tortoise shell, marine products and other items relating to animals. This area is quite complex and any would-be seller needs to thoroughly understand the various laws before getting involved in these sales.

10. Event tickets have state-by-state laws that make their sale complex. Some states, for instance, forbid anyone to make more than a few dollars in profit (or no profit at all) on the resale of tickets. For instance, Florida law states that tickets can be resold at no more than face value plus $1. In such states, these regulations apply only to buyers and sellers located in the same state as the actual event, meaning if a seller lives in Florida, he can't profit from ticket sales to Florida events. However, if he lives in any of the other 39 states, this restriction doesn't apply.

11. Listing a catalog of items that a seller offers for sale is forbidden. The only catalogs legally sold on eBay are collectible kinds, such as an old Sears Roebuck or Montgomery Wards catalog that is memorabilia and doesn't offer current merchandise for sale.

12. Raffles and prizes are 100% prohibited. According to eBay, such promotions are highly regulated and may be unlawful in many states.

There are other kinds of merchandise that a seller may not sell on eBay, so carefully check eBay rules before listing anything. It's much better to know the rules in advance of spending money that can't be recouped.

Learn how to sell on eBay with 16 hours of online instruction taught by a 10 year eBay veteran. Own an eBay business instead of an eBay hobby.

History of Man Made Diamonds

History of Man Made Diamonds

The incentive to create man made diamonds resulted from the desire of scientists and researchers to improve technology at a much lower cost than expensive mined diamonds. Valued for their brilliance and luster, diamonds are also extremely hard and durable. A cheaper, more readily available solution like man made diamonds would be a boon to both the world of gemstones and the world of technology. Attempts to find that cheaper, more readily available solution have occurred for years. In fact, man made diamonds history truly began over a century ago.

In 1847, Karl Marx wrote in the book Capital, A Critique on the Political Economy, "If we could succeed, at a small expenditure of labor, in converting carbon into diamonds, their value might fall below that of bricks. In his short story, The Diamond Maker, writer H. G. Wells, also referred to the concept of synthetic diamonds.

Political commentary and science-fiction aside, man made diamonds are produced in two ways: synthetic and simulant. Synthetics are exact in structure and chemistry as natural diamonds. Simulants echo diamonds fire, brilliance and crystalline structure, but are made from different materials. The first stone in the history of man made diamonds was Moissanite, a simulant. Discovered in 1893 by Dr. Henri Moissan in a meteorite-created crater in Arizona, these tiny diamond-like stones were really silicon carbide (SiC). By heating charcoal with iron at high temperatures in an electric furnace, and by introducing an electric arc between carbon rods and blocks of lime, Dr. Moissan, recreated these tiny diamonds. The iron contracted on rapid cooling, generating the high pressure required to transform graphite into diamond.

Others duplicated Moissans process, but produced only very small diamonds. Ruff in 1917 and Dr. Willard Hersey in 1926, both grew these tiny diamonds. McPherson College still displays Herseys synthetic diamond in Kansas at its museum.

Two mineralogists discovered a diamond-like mineral in 1937, but the occurrence in nature was so rare, the German scientists didnt bother naming it. Only after almost 50 years and a few inventions in technology, did that mineral, zirconium oxide (ZrO2), get synthesized into a man made diamond, one that took the industry by storm and down a new path of production.

Swedens major electrical manufacturing company in Stockholm, ASEA, produced a true synthetic diamond (exact structure and chemistry as a diamond) in 1953. Under extreme pressures (8.4 GPa) for an hour, inside a cumbersome machine designed by Baltzar von Platen and the Anders Kmpe, a few small crystals were produced. This formation of a synthetic diamond, however, was never published. So, when General Electrics Tracy Hall produced in 1954, via a belt apparatus, successfully synthesized a diamond, it was that discovery that was published in Nature Colleagues easily replicated Halls work, and the industrial man made diamond industry was born, dominated for years by DeBeers Industrial Diamonds and GE Superabrasives. Remember that mineral discovered in 1937 by the Germans? Well in the 1970s, the then Soviet Union took that mineral, and using the latest microwave technology changed the history of man made diamonds. Cubic zirconia, produced from zirconium oxide and stabilizing oxides and using temperatures of more than 2,700 degrees Centigrade, burst onto the scene. This diamond simulant, marketed as Djevalite" in 1977, skyrocketed into popularity in the 1980s when Swarovski & Company, world-renowned producer of leaded crystal began mass marketing it. Annual production in 1980 topped out at 50 million carats, 10,000 kilograms.

While cubic zirconia was booming in the 1980s, a Korean company, lljin Diamond, emerged as a competitor for GEs and De Beers chunk of the market. Later, due to misappropriation of trade secrets by a former Korean GE employee, over a hundred Chinese companies entered the market in 1988.

Element Six, a rebrand of De Beers Industrial Diamonds, broke from the parent company and became independent in 2002. An equity firm called LittleJohn, bought GE Superabrasives in 2003, then changed its name to Diamond Innovations, and in January 2007 sold it to Sandvik.

The industrial diamond industry now has many more major players, including Novotek, US Synthetic, Sumitomo Electric Hardmetal, and Smith Megadiamond. Producing 3 billion carats or 600 metric tons in 2006, the industrial diamond industry annually brings in $1 billion. In comparison the naturally occurring diamonds are mined at an annual rate of 130 million carats (26 metric tons).

As methods of growing synthetic diamonds improves, more and more companies enter the market, especially for diamonds of gemstone quality. Recent entrants include Apollo Diamonds in 2005, who by using an improved method of chemical vapor deposition, CVD, grew a colorless and pure diamond of gemstone size and quality. Other companies, very new like Aida Diamonds and Gemesis, unique like LifeGem, and veteran of the technology, but new to the free trade like the former Soviet based company Tairus, are striving to create a niche for themselves, too.

The history of man made diamonds is fraught with accidents. Apollo Diamonds and the Russians were seeking a way to create synthetic diamonds to aid science. The resulting gemstones were like icing on the cake, a beautiful and exciting addition.

James Chartwell writes for a variety of topics, including travel and science. Please visit his interesting resource all about man made diamonds at

Waltrip, Montoya Have Different Degrees of Success

Waltrip, Montoya Have Different Degrees of Success

Two of the most talked about stories coming into the 2007 NASCAR season involved drivers who were looking at making a new statement in racing. Michael Waltrip and his three car Toyota team were looking to take Toyota to the top of NASCAR. Juan Pablo Montoya, a successful driver at many levels of racing now was embarking on his initial season in NASCAR with lots of experts predicting a quick learning curve and success of the ovals of NASCAR. So far in 2007 these two drivers appear to be heading in different directions.

Waltrips season has been anything but a success. Until racing in Saturdays Nextel Open Waltrips only racing in 2007 had been at the Daytona 500 or in practice or qualifying. Waltrip has failed to qualify his Toyota Camry in ten consecutive races. At this point in the season Waltrip actually has negative drivers points in the standings as a result of an illegal substance found in his fuel at Daytona. His crew chief and team manager were suspended and his crew chief David Hyer eventually quit the team altogether.

Waltrip tries to stay positive. He puts most of the blame for his own struggles on the fact he is trying to keep a three car team using new equipment together. Running a three car team for an established team is hard enough, for Waltrip and his new Toyotas it has been too much.

Juan Pablo Montoya has been trying to do everything the right way in his first NASCAR season. Montoya has been making his way through the first part of the NASCAR season and has had moments of success. The rookie driver sits 21st in the Nextel Points race, ahead of such drivers like Reed Sorenson, Kasey Kahne and Sterling Marlin. He has two top tens and one top five so far this season. In the Busch series Montoya ranks 9th in the points and has three top tens. The jewel of Montoyas 2007 season so far has to be his Busch series win in Mexico.

Although Montoya has not won on the 2007 Nextel Cup circuit, he has been sniffing around waiting for his opportunity. I said before the season Montoya would win a race and it still could happen with a little luck. There is no doubt he is a great driver and as he sees these tracks for the second and third times he should be even more competitive.

Two drivers, one new to the grind of NASCAR, one that has been around the block a few times. Both with great resumes of racing, one seemingly heading the right direction, and one trying to stop the bleeding. This is one of the reasons NASCAR is that ever evolving soap opera of racing. Two stories to keep your eye on for the remainder of 2007.

The Week That Was

After a 12 year absence veteran NASCAR drive John Andretti qualified for the Indy 500. Andretti qualified 24th for the May 27 race. Andrettis best finish at Indy is 5th in 1991.

Dale Earnhardt Jr was docked 100 points and his crew chief Tony Eury was suspended for six races after his car was found to have improperly mounted brackets on his car following the Darlington race.

Bill Elliott returns. Elliott begins a race to race deal with the Wood Brothers team beginning with this weeks Coca Cola 600.

The Racing Weekend

Kevin Harvick won the Nextel All Star Challenge and over 1 million dollars on Saturday night in Charlotte. Harvick led the final 20 laps and outdistanced Jimmie Johnson for the All Star victory.

The Week Ahead

The Coca Cola 600 will run this coming Sunday night on FOX. In the midst of a disappointing season, Kasey Kahne is the defending champ. The pre race show on Sunday will honor all branches of the US Military. The Army Drill Team will perform and the Army Parachuting Team, The Golden Knights will arrive by air. LeAnn Rimes will perform the national anthem, and F-22s will be featured in the fly over.

Rick C. Limpert is a freelance writer for Nothin' But NASCAR, and is based in Atlanta, GA. He has written for print and online publications for over 7 years. He is happy to hear from you with any comments, questions, or suggestions you may have.

He can be reached at

2007 Volkswagen Rabbit in Detail

2007 Volkswagen Rabbit in Detail

Volkswagen of America's most popular bunny, the Volkswagen Rabbit hatchback hops to the North American automotive market replacing the VW Golf, which is the third best selling vehicle model of all time. According to Volkswagen, the VW Rabbit enters the North American market to provide customers with a European style and engineering, particularly German design cues.

For the 2007 model year, the VW Rabbit is available in 2-door or 4-door variants. Both model versions is equipped with a standard 2.5-liter 5-cylinder in line engine under the hood capable of delivering 150 hp (110 kW) at 5,000 rpm and produces 170 pound-feet (228 Nm) of peak torque rotating at 3,750 rpm. It also comes with engine parts like double overhead camshafts and sequential multi-point fuel injection system (Motronic). The engine is combined with either a standard 5-speed manual gearbox or an optional 6-speed automatic transmission equipped with Volkswagens Tiptronic and Sport mode feature, powering the VW Rabbit's front wheel drive (FWD) drivetrain configuration.

The 2007 VW Rabbit is equipped with a host of exterior Volkswagen Rabbit parts for the customers including body color bumpers with black and body color moldings, dual exhaust pipes, anti-intrusion side door beams, body color door handles, body-color front grille, dual-reflector halogen headlamps Daytime Running Lights (DRL), Side blinkers integrated into side exterior mirrors, glass power sunroof, and 15-inch steel wheels with full wheel covers and 195/65 R15 H all season tires.

On the inside, the 2007 VW Rabbit offers nothing but elegant driving environment for its occupants. The 2007 VW Rabbit comes with either cloth or velour seat fabric upholstery along with molded handbrake grip, molded shift knob, and brushed metallic appearance interior door handles. Moreover, the 2007 VW Rabbit is equipped with 4-way manually adjustable front passenger seat with adjustable head restraints, 60/40 split folding rear seat with center armrest and pass-through. For music lovers, the 2007 VW Rabbit offers a premium audio system, which include AM/FM radio sound system with in-dash 6-disc CD/MP3 Changer MP3 and 10 speakers, auxiliary input jack, and Sirius Satellite Radio.

Vehicle safety is an extremely important factor for the 2007 VW Rabbit. This hot hatch comes with a wide array of interior safety features including standard restraint systems, driver and front passenger front airbag, driver and front passenger side thorax airbag, side curtain protection, rear passenger side thorax airbag, rear-impact optimized head restraints emergency locking retractors. In addition, safety seats and belts are also included like front seat safety belts with pre-tensioners, height adjustable front 3-point safety belts, rear 3-point safety belts, and LATCH (Lower Anchors and Tether for Children) system. Passive vehicle safety features like anti lock braking system (ABS), Electronic Brake-pressure Distribution (EBD), and traction control system with Anti-Slip Regulation (ASR), and Electronic Stabilization Program (EPA).

The 2007 Volkswagen Rabbit has a starting manufacturer's suggested retail price (MSRP) of $14,990 USD.

For more about your VW parts needs like Volkswagen Rabbit parts, visit your trusted online source.

Benjamin Hudson works as a supervisor at one of the top engineering firms in the business district of Louisiana. He is also a freelance journalist and has passion for anything automotive.

Driving This Winter - You Were Warned!

Driving This Winter - You Were Warned!

Well winter is here and we were warned. Back in October the TV weather teams told us that this winter would be the worst for many years. Some quoted the worst for 10 years and some did the usual and quoted the worst ever.

Already we have seen the gridlock in the UK and many motorists stranded overnight as they were caught out by snowstorms. The next day the TV weather teams are on the news saying we told you so, and for once I am on their side. So the message for this winter when driving is this, make sure you check the weather reports regularly, at least each night before you go to bed. If it states snow then be prepared the next morning to leave earlier or have plans to cancel.

Is your car prepared? Do you have plenty petrol in your car, more than you need in case you are stuck in traffic or snow? Do you have a basic tool kit in the car? Do you have plenty of antifreeze and is your mobile phone fully charged? Are your headlights clean and plenty of water with antifreeze in your washer bottle? If you travel by yourself or know nothing about cars have you got suitable breakdown cover? You can get cover for as little as 29 still that will get you home in a case of breakdown or accident.

This may all seem pretty basic but you would be surprised of how many think they will cope as and when it happens. But as we found out recently many were stranded overnight as the snow came in apparently from nowhere. Those with insufficient petrol ended up abandoning their cars without any heating. Others tried to book into already full hotels and bed and breakfasts.

This can be more than just inconvenience, being unprepared in bad weather can be a life or death situation. If YOU cant drive anywhere chances are the rescue services cant either. So this winter, be prepared!

Mark is the webmaster of car breakdown cover, a premier source for breakdown cover in the UK. he is also a Business Consultant and webmaster for Best Breakdown Cover

6 Steps to Get the Most From Your Classes

6 Steps to Get the Most From Your Classes

Do you want to excel in your course? Be the best you can be? How much do you want it? Think how great it could feel to be on top of your subject, understanding and enjoying everything you have to learn, acing your tests and assignments. As Sean Connery says in The Untouchables, What are you prepared to do?! Do you go to class wanting to get as much as you can from it, or do you see it as a necessary evil to be endured as part of your course? Do you sit passively waiting for the class to finish or do you treat it as a job, and work hard to do the best you can? Your attitude will be determine to a large extent how well you succeed in your course, more than any other factor. But luckily your attitude is under your control; you can choose how its going to be! So, decide to make the most of it, and you will! And, if thats what you want to do, than heres a few pointers about how to go about making the most of your time in class or lectures:

  1. Treat it like a job. You are there for a reason; to learn as much as you can, and reach your potential in your chosen subject, excel even! Its your job to do a good job!
  2. Be proactive, not passive. Be aware of what you need to learn, and make sure you are learning it. Be conscious of what you understand in class, jot down notes about things you are not clear about and make it your task that day to find out more about them, either by asking questions or doing some further reading. Take responsibility for your own progress, instead of waiting for the teacher to tell you how you are doing.

    Look over your material for that day before the class, if you know what its going to be. See how much you can understand by yourself. Notice the things you have difficulty with. Then, when your teacher or lecturer comes to that part of the text, your mind will focus as soon as you hear it, your attention and concentration will be heightened, and you will absorb the new knowledge much faster. You will also have more time to concentrate on the difficult parts, because it wont be all completely new to you.

    Revise the material then, within a day and make revision notes.

  3. Learn to ask questions. Learn how to ask questions. Dont be afraid, there are probably more students in your class who need the same clarification. Just make sure they are specific. Instead of I dont understand, for example, specify as closely as you can where you find yourself getting lost. The very act of composing an intelligent question in your mind will help you find the answer yourself seven times out of ten! The lecturer or teacher will always appreciate the fact that you are thinking for yourself and the class will benefit from the interaction and the discussion which may follow.
  4. Pay attention to the obvious things: be punctual; sit in a good seat where you can concentrate, be part of the class and be away from people who are not focussed; keep up with the reading and homework and dont let things slide even if you do, dont give up, get right back into it as soon as you can. Ask for help if you need to get back on track. Your teacher will appreciate your honesty, especially if you come up with a plan to catch up say, an extra chapter a night for a week.
  5. Learn how to take good class notes. (See below)
  6. Concentrate on the positives. All walks of life have tedious parts. Dont moan, try and get through boring parts by setting yourself a challenge to finish them in a record time. Remember this very important point: you get back what you put in. If you work at your subject honestly, it will be interesting, if you dont, it will be boring.

So you decide. Hows it going to be? Learning can be a wonderful interesting and exciting experience its up to you.

If you would like to know more, download a free mini ebook on study at to get you started.

Soccer Betting

Soccer Betting

Soccer is the most popular sport in the world and soccer betting has become the choice of many people who like to bet on sports. However, there is more to soccer betting than just laying down a wager on the home team to win. If youre serious about trying to win some money then you need to place your bets with the right sportsbook that is reliable and will give you the best chance of winning. To begin with you want a sportsbook that has a good reputation and will make sure that your account is 100% secure. You should have a variety of ways available to do your betting such as different credit cards that the site will accept. You also want a site that is known for paying winners promptly.

In addition you want to do your soccer betting at a site that gives you accurate and up to date information about the betting odds and betting lines. There are many factors that can determine the outcome of a soccer game and you want to know about all of them before deciding which team to bet on and how much to bet. A good sportsbook will have the experts who will give you this information and make recommendations to you to help you place a winning bet. For example, when doing your soccer betting youll want to know if there are injuries to any key players that might impact a teams performance.

Youll also want to now how teams and individual players match up against each other and even how weather conditions may affect the game. If you have this type of information you can do your soccer betting with confidence. So get the facts and place your bets.

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