How To Snack Without Cheating On Your Diet

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

How To Snack Without Cheating On Your Diet

Dieting generally isn't something most people enjoy. It requires strict discipline, which is a monumental challenge when a stomach starts growling for food. Fortunately, midday and evening snacks are possible, even if you're on a stringent diet.

The key to successful dieting is to stay on course and to keep your calories down, but you don't want to starve yourself. You just have to eat smart. Rather than grabbing a bag of your favorite potato chips or helping yourself to a serving of your favorite fast food fries, think in more healthier terms. Eat an apple, or bring a bag of baby carrots or carrot sticks in a baggie to work to snack on when you get hungry.

But, what about those snacks that line grocery store shelves claiming to be low in fat, low in carbohydrates, or even fat free? Make sure you carefully read the nutritional labels for such snacks to determine just how many calories and how much fat they contain. Those snacks that contain high fructose corn syrup should be avoided: Such ingredients will only serve to hinder your diet.

Additionally, be aware that even such prepackaged foods, no matter how little fat they contain, actually aren't entirely good for you. Prepackaged foods often offer very little value nutritionally and can actually result in you gaining weight. On top of that, such snacks often don't fill a person up for very long. A healthy snack will ensure your hunger is curbed for longer than a few minutes.

Beware and steer clear of snacks that have a lot of sugar and salt. You have plenty of options for healthy snacking, including:

- Vegetables
- Fresh fruit
- Popcorn sans butter
- Nuts
- Yogurt
- Jello (sugar-free)
- Cottage cheese

You can also find healthy snack food in your local grocery store or health food market, if you know what you're looking for: Snacks that are all-natural are ideal. You might also opt for those snacks that are comprised of mainly natural ingredients.

The key to choosing healthy snacks is to ensure you eat a variety of snacks. If you eat an apple for a snack every day, you're probably going to get tired of it and be even more tempted to cheat on your diet by eating something more satisfying. Spice it up by having a variety of snacks from which to choose.

In addition to healthy snacks, consider eating smaller meals more frequently rather than the traditional three meals a day. Some diet experts recommend eating between three and five small meals throughout the day. No matter how hungry you are, make sure you take your time when eating. If you opt for a second helping, rest for approximately ten minutes before taking seconds.

Eating healthier snacks is going to help you lose weight or maintain your ideal weight. But, you don't have to forgo all of your favorite guilty pleasures. Love chocolate ice cream? Crave a chocolate glazed donut? It's okay to eat some of your favorite snacks, from time-to-time, as long as you don't go overboard.

Want more diet tips from Lidia? Check out Lidia's DietFinds Diet and Weight Loss Blog


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